So I've finally done it, taken the plunge and entered that most narcissistic of worlds; the world of internet blogging! "A little late!" i hear you cry,well I've considered writing a blog for a while and always come up against two big problems. Firstly there was the issue of content; Which, on first glance would appear to be the most important thing, however after reading quite a few blogs I've come to realise that it isn't actually as important as first thought! The second, and by far the more important problem of the two, is the question of authenticity. If I can solve the problem of authenticity then the content will follow... Confused? Ok, I'll explain. Authenticity is a term we use in every day life but has become something that has become increasingly harder to achieve as we slide further in to the cyber communities that govern our lives. Authenticity is hard to come by in a world where every facebook page carries a stylised, posed photo and everyo...